Our road to climate neutral as part of the global energy transition.

Our emissions are calculated annually and divided into two categories:
Rapid’s own direct and indirect emissions: Our strategic goal is to be NetZero by 2030 on any emissions that are not directly linked to our client services.
We increase our CO2 efficiency by using innovative carbon neutral warehouses, solar energy solutions, and migrating our car park to electric vehicles.
Indirect Emissions from client related logistics services: We help our clients achieve their environmental targets by expanding our portfolio of sustainable transport solutions. We commit to a relative reduction of these emissions by 30% by 2030, compared to our 2022 baseline.
Interested in reading about our sustainability?
Download our reports here:

Our activities to become more carbon efficient:
We have selected cardboard vendors that offer a mix of 70% FSC cartons and aim to have 100% recycled materials by 2030. All single use plastics, cardboard and wood are separated in our warehouses and recycled.
Our warehouses are BREEAM Excellent and contain Energy saving methods such as light pumps and a green office roof. Gas is no longer used as these warehouses are fully electric.
Our latest warehouses are built cradle to cradle, and are whole life carbon net zero by 2040. The buildings will have a Positive carbon output of 4.588 Tons co2e by 2050.
Solar rooftop systems provide us directly with 1050Mw annually, which equals 50% of our energy consumption. The remaining 50% of our energy consumption is sourced from green energy contracts as much as possible.
Our internet infrastructure is built with POF technology. This innovative technology uses 90% less materials, and the infrastructure uses 40% less energy.